If you are an expat or a digital nomad living in Colombia this information is for you.
Being safe is a fundamental issue for travelers in order to live a great and fulfilling experience.
Which are the benefits for foreigners’ insurance in Colombia ?
Insurance for Foreigners in Colombia
CREA FUTURO guides you to make the best decision so you can find an insurance that fits your life style and your budget.

Types of insurance for foreigners in Colombia
Foreigners can benefit from different kinds of insurance to cover their risks like the ones you find below
✓ Accident insurance in order to maintain your life quality even if something unexpected happens
✓ Health insurance offers coverage in case of accident or illness
✓ Home insurance to keep your belongings safe
✓ Retirement insurance to invest in Colombia
✓ Accident insurance in order to maintain your life quality even if something unexpected happens
✓ Health insurance offers coverage in case of accident or illness
✓ Home insurance to keep your belongings safe
✓ Retirement insurance to invest in Colombia

Insurance designed for foreigners in Colombia

A health plan that covers you in emergencies and hospital stays, you will receive the best medical care in Colombia´s top clinics and hospitals.
This type of insurance gives you access to private health services in Colombia, 100% coverage of health treatment and hospital stays. Don’t waste your time waiting in long lines for referals nor authorizations, Crea Futuro helps you to get the most out of your insurance plan and PBS.
It offers you a wide network of doctors and hospitals around the country.
This type of insurance gives you access to private health services in Colombia, 100% coverage of health treatment and hospital stays. Don’t waste your time waiting in long lines for referals nor authorizations, Crea Futuro helps you to get the most out of your insurance plan and PBS.
It offers you a wide network of doctors and hospitals around the country.
Life Insurance
With this insurance you have access to accident´s coverage, this means you receive a payment in case you suffer an injury that impairs you or even need to stay at the hospital for two or more days.
You will receive financial aid so you don’t have to spend your savings in medical care.
CREA FUTURO takes care of everything while you spend your time getting better.
You will receive financial aid so you don’t have to spend your savings in medical care.
CREA FUTURO takes care of everything while you spend your time getting better.

Home Insurance
Feel safe getting the right coverage for your belongings such as bicycles, scooters, drones and videogame consoles inside and outside your home.
Even your musical equipment, jewelry and those things you value the most, can be covered.
CREA FUTURO helps you take the right decision with the adequate insurance and right price.
Even your musical equipment, jewelry and those things you value the most, can be covered.
CREA FUTURO helps you take the right decision with the adequate insurance and right price.
According to your lifestyle and company, we recommend the best solution
Your concerns and questions you can answer them here.
¿Cuánto es la duración de una póliza de seguro de viaje?
Nuestros socios ofrece pólizas de seguro de salud de atención con coberturas de 1 y 365 días, lo que los posiciona como una de las mejores compañías de seguro de salud.
¿Qué debe tener un seguro de viajes para tramitar una VISA colombiana?
La resolución 5477 de 2022 exige que el seguro médico de viaje tenga cobertura en todo el territorio colombiano, cuente con servicios integrales contra todo riesgo como accidentes, muerte y repatriación, cubra la vigencia completa de la VISA a la que el solicitante desea aplicar, tenga una cubertura de seguro de invalidez a corto plazo y sea un seguro de viaje con servicios de condiciones médicas preexistentes.
¿Puedo utilizar esta póliza en mi trámite de VISA colombiana?
Si, ya que las pólizas de seguro de viajes emitidas por nuestros aliados cumplen con lo requerido por la resolución 5477 de 2022 para cualquier trámite de VISA.
Para los tipos de VISA en los que la póliza de asistencia en viajes es obligatoria, deberás adquirir tu seguro de viaje internacional antes del inicio del proceso para suministrar toda la documentación al momento de la primera aplicación de VISA colombiana y aumentar las probabilidades de aprobación.